Travel with childrenIf you are travelling with a pram, the baby may stay there until the last moment before departure. A golf trolley-type pram can be taken on board. Pushchairs or deep prams must be folded during the inspection, passed through the X-ray, and used until boarding.

If children get bored while waiting for the plane, there are two play areas in the transit section of Prague Airport. In Terminal 1, you will find the play area on the left behind the security check. The second one is situated in Terminal 2 on the left after the passport check.

The toy shop “Bambule” play area in the connecting departure hall between Terminal 1 and 2 is permanently available. Here, children will find a broad selection of toys (mainly with an aviation theme), many games and construction kits, climbing frames, swings, and much more.

Older children may amuse themselves in the Airport Museum, where they can look around the large-format photo gallery documenting significant stages of the development of the airport and watch documentary films on the airport’s history. The museum is located in the public area of the departure hall at Terminal 2 before the entrance to the scenic terrace.

The terrace offers a fascinating view of the planes waiting for departure or reaching the departure bridges after their arrival. You can also enjoy coffee and cake here. The terrace is located in the public part of the departure hall of Terminal 2 before the entrance to the connecting area of Terminal 1 or from the public part of Terminal 1, where it can be accessed from Restaurant Praha.
