Thailand is interested in creating a direct line from Bangkok to Prague, the Czech ambassador in Thailand, Marek Libřický said in an interview for ČTK. The tourism trend between the two countries is, according to him, stable or even growing. That is supported by the fact that Thailand is a stable country that is relatively safe for tourists, said Libřický.

“According to data from Thailand, about 43,000 Czechs visit Thailand every year, and about 50,000 Thais come to the Czech Republic every year, despite there not being a direct flight,” said the ambassador. “There is potential for further growth if a direct line is set up,” he added. According to the ambassador, there are debates about a for now unspecified Thai airline setting up direct flights between Bangkok and Prague.

According to him, creating a direct line is economically justifiable. “They often say that for a line to be profitable, a minimum of 30,000 people must go through it both ways,” he said. Tourism between the Czech Republic and Thailand checks this box. Moreover, he believes that the new airline could take over some of the travelers who have been flying to Thailand from Munich or Vienna.

A Safe Destination

Libřický pointed out that Thailand is a relatively safe country for tourists. Despite there being reports of bomb attacks from time to time, they are carried out by armed people from southern Thailand and are directed at local targets. “It can’t be compared to the terrorist attacks in other countries,” said the ambassador.

The stability of the country was improved by a military coup in 2014, which ended a period of mass demonstrations and riots. Public gatherings are forbidden in the country, but it shouldn’t affect tourists as long as they steer clear of political events.

“Thais themselves are aware that tourism is very important for their country and they are doing everything they can to make the impact it has on tourists as little as possible,” pointed out the ambassador.

The national mourning which commenced after King Pchúmipchona Adundéta died last year, and which continues to this day, has had some impact on tourism as well. It is advised that people wear dark clothes, stated the ambassador.
