The national Quatar airline, Qatar Airways, is initiating direct flights from Prague to Qatar’s Doha. The direct line will fly daily by Airbus A320, which seats 12 business class passengers and 132 economic class passengers. This line is interesting for Czech travelers mainly because it creates new possibilities for connections to many exotic destinations.

Prague has become a new stop for the Qatar company, along with world metropolises like Rio de Janeiro, Canberra and Dublin. Altogether, the company runs 150 regular flight lines all over the world.

For Prague airport, the opening of a line to Doha means a second direct connection to the Arabian peninsula, after Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. This well-established line is run by the local airline, Emirates.

To the Longest Flight Route in the World

The new line to Doha offers travelers the option to use connection flights from the Quatar metropolis. Those fly to many Asian and other exotic destinations.

What’s interesting is the option to get on a flight from Doha to New Zealand’s Auckland. It is currently the longest regular flight route in the world. The distance is over 14,534 km and the flight takes about 17 hours and 30 minutes.
