The fee for the use of the Vaclav Havel airport for passengers will decrease from March 2017 for the first time in its history. Instead of the current fee of CZK 591, every passenger departing from Prague will pay CZK 585, from March next year, which coincides with the start of the new flight schedule.
“The reduction of fees in this category allows the continued growth in the number of passengers, which covers the costs of doing the check-in, security check, or the operation of terminals with a lower fee, although these costs are increasing,” Marika Janoušková, spokeswoman of Prague Airport, said.
The new price list at the same time envisages an increase in the fees the airport charges the airlines. “There are rising costs of repairs due to the increased operation of aircraft, and due to the repairs from the past that hadn’t happened,” explains Janoušková.
It needs to be fixed…
The airport explains that the increase of the fee for the airlines is needed in order to cover costs for repairs and maintenance of areas that are related to the operating of the aeroplanes, not check in of the passengers. Landing fees will increase by 6 percent for all weight classes of aircraft. “We take into account the fact that the growth of costs associated with the operation of aircraft doesn’t impact solely on the passenger,” said Janoušková.
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According to her, the share of the different categories in the structure of airport charges is moving closer to the European average at other airports. “At the same time, this change supports our common interest with airlines to increase the occupancy of the aircraft, because in such cases the average amount of fees per passenger is decreasing,” said Janoušková.
Airport fees are a key source of revenue for Prague Airport. Of total sales of 5.9 billion from the airlines and passengers, the airport has received 4.486 billion crowns last year, with the rest being mainly on the rents of commercial premises.