Airport Operations

The company operating the Airport is Letiště Praha, a. s., a joint-stock company with one shareholder, the Ministry of Finance. The company was founded in February 2008 as part of a privatization process involving the Správa Letiště Praha, s.p. (state enterprise). This action was in accordance with the Czech Republic Government Memorandum Nr—888, passed on 9 July 2008. On 1 December 2008, Prague Airport took on all rights and duties formerly held by Správa Letiště Praha, s.p. Prague Airport took all business authorizations and certified employees and licenses from the former company. The head office of Prague Airport is in Prague 6. The former state-owned enterprise had its head office on the airport property.

A Joint Stock Company Český Aeroholding

A joint-stock company, Prague Airport is a subsidiary of the joint-stock company Český Aeroholding. This company covers the state-owned companies operating in air transport and related infrastructure services. For more information, go to

Prague Airport is the operator of the most critical international Airport in the Czech Republic. The Airport received the Eagle Award for 2011, awarded by the Association of IATA for being the best developing Airport. This international “air hub” handles about 11 to 12 million passengers annually. They can choose from about 46 airlines connecting Prague directly to nearly 130 destinations worldwide. Five regular cargo carriers operate here, as well as dozens of other companies providing charter flights. Prague Airport employs over 2000 employees, while around 15,000 people are employed by companies operating at the Airport or linked to its operation.

A joint-stock company, Prague Airport (Letiště Praha, a. s.) was founded in February 2008 within the privatization transformation of a state enterprise, Správa Letiště Praha, s. p. In 2011, Prague Airport was incorporated into the holding mentioned above company structure, and its sole shareholder is the joint-stock company Český Aeroholding. The bodies of the joint-stock company include a three-member board of directors and a supervisory board.

Prague Airport cooperates closely with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, the Civil Aviation Authority, the Air Traffic Control of the Czech Republic, air carriers, public authorities within the aviation sector and beyond, airport users, and last but not least, with the Capital City of Prague and municipalities in the Airport’s vicinity.
