From March 2018, there will be 5 new destinations from international airport in Brno-Tuřany. Romanian airlines Blue Air will transfer people between Brno and Milano, Rome, Barcelona, Brussel and Lviv.

The plane on those routes will have capacity of 120 passengers. Through to Brno-Tuřany airport, the second biggest airport in the Czech Republic after Prague-Ruzyně, travel five hundred thousand people a year abroad and back.

Despite the number of passengers continuously rises, the airport faced difficulties with the regular routes. The connection between Brno and Eindhoven in Netherlands was cancelled In November 2017. From January 2018 there will be cancelled the regular connection between Brno and London’s Luton.

For business or sightseeing

The only two original regular routes that remain in place are – Brno – Munich and Brno – London, Stansted airport. In addition to them there will be added five new connections. Probably three times per week to Milano and Brussel, and twice a week to Rome, Barcelona and Lviv.

„Lviv in Ukraine is very interesting region for us. Many people from Lviv work here, also Lviv is a city with rich history, therefore it can be attractive for our citizens,” as regional council president Šimek said.

Flights to Brussel could be attractive for representants from different regional institutions and companies, that need to flight to the capital city of EU. Flights to Rome and Barcelona are intended especially for tourists, that want to visit famous monuments. Flight to Milano will probably be used by both tourist and managers.

Romanian partner

New connection was the original idea of regional daughter company Jihomoravská rozvojová společnost. This company and romainian carrier Blue Air will create joint venture called Blue Air Moravia Transportation. „The Romainian company is one of the fastest developing company among europian carriers. Now they own approxiamately 30 planes, and the number will grow in the future,” added Šimek.

According to his words, those flights will be supported by representatives of Zlínský kraj, Olomoucký kraj and Kraj Vysočina. The expected price of the airtickets on these new routes will be between 4 000 and 6 000 CZK. Representatives of the region, together with leaders of the Romanian company, suppose, that thanks to 5 new regular connections the number of checked-in passengers at Brno Airport could rise by 130 000 persons.

Jihomoravský kraj will invest 120 million crowns during the first year of cooperation with Blue Air. In 2019 it should be only 40 million crowns and in 2020 is expected, that no further support will be needed, because it is assumed, that the project will be self-sufficient.
