Pasų kontrolės zonoje yra trys ženklai: 1) Ne-ES, 2) Tik ES ir 3) Tik ES su pirmenybe diplomatiniams keleiviams bei skrydžio personalui. Daugumos pilietybių keleiviams, norintiems patekti į šalį, viza nėra reikalinga, tačiau čia galite tai pasitikslinti. Lyginant su kitais ES oro uostais, pasų patikra gali vykti ganėtinai lėtai (tai gali nutikti atvykus piko metu nuo 10:00 iki 14:00 val.). Oro uoste yra 12 pasų patikros punktų, tačiau įprastai visi vienu metu nedirba. Bendrai paėmus, apsauga Prahos oro uoste yra griežta, tačiau veiksminga.
Jei atvykstate iš Šengeno zonos šalių (visi skrydžiai į/iš Terminalo 2), pasų kontrolės nėra. Šiuo metu dauguma ES šalių priklauso Šengeno zonai (išskyrus JK).
Elektroniniai Prahos oro uosto vartai
Prahos oro uostas keleiviams siūlo automatinio paso patikrinimo galimybę taip vadinamuosiuose „Elektroniniuose vartuose“. Remdamasi „Easy Go“ technologija, ši nauja įranga leidžia Europos Sąjungos, Europos ekonominės zonos ir Šveicarijos piliečiams, vyresniems nei 18 metų ir turintiems biometrinius pasus, pasinaudoti patikros savitarnos teikiamais privalumais. Nuo pat pradžios iki galo patikros procesas „Elektroniniuose vartuose“ trunka 12-20 sekundžių. Naujos technologijos pritaikymas oro uoste pagerins pasų patikros greitį. Elektroniniais vartais gali pasinaudoti į Terminalą 1 atvykstantys keleiviai (keleiviams, atvykstantiems į Terminalą 2, nereikia praeiti pasų kontrolės, nes visi reisai atvyksta iš Šengeno zonos).
Automated Border Control System (E-gate)
What is EasyGO?
EasyGO is an automated border control system, which allows easy and quick passage through border control with the use of biometric gates. It’s available for passengers on the departure and arrival halls of Terminal 1 of Vaclav Havel Airport Prague. Passengers are welcome to try and see that electronic gates are a modern, elegant and pleasant way for passing the border.
Who can use EasyGO?
EasyGO can be used by all passengers possessing a new type of travel document containing electronic chip, who are older than 15 years and are using a passport issued by one of the EU countries, Switzerland or EEA countries.
How do I recognize an electronic travel document?
An electronic travel document is a personal document that contains chip with your biometric data (facial image and finger mom
How to use EasyGO?
It’s easy. Insert the travel document into the reader located at the entrance of the biometrical gate. Put the page with a photograph face down on the glass of the reader. After reading the data from travel document, the entry gate opens. Enter the gate and stand on the position marked with white feet stickers. Look straight into the camera and do not move. Border control will be completed in matter of seconds. On the screen in front of you, the pictogram with the border check appears and the exit door of the gate opens. You have passed the border control successfully, please leave the gate.
How to avoid complications during border control?
If system detects any discrepancy, pictograms on the screen will guide the passenger to manual police check. It means it is not possible to recognize securely the face of the passenger and compare it to the photograph saved in the chip of the travel document. This might be caused by a face covered with a hat, scarf, sunglasses etc. The system also signals a discrepancy when the traveler has glasses on his face and not on the photograph or men photographed with a distinct beard, but passing the biometrical gate without any beard, and vice versa.
Are there any health risks?
No. The device does not present a health risk to passengers. It does not emit any kind of radiation, only does a passive detection. The biometric camera is a common camera used for taking live pictures the same way as you use the camera in your notebook or mobile phone.