As early as 2016, the Czech SmartWings by Travel Service was included in the 21 worst airlines list. This year, Czech Airlines ranked 59th out of 72 rated airlines on AirHelp’s ranking. Qatar Airways was the best for the seventh time. AirHelp follows airlines in thirty countries.

AirHelp evaluates airlines according to three criteria: on-time departures and arrivals (a flight counts as on-time when it departs within 15 minutes of the scheduled time of departure and lands within 15 minutes of scheduled arrival), service quality (comfort, food and crew), and complaint handling (how effectively airlines handle claims for compensation, including how long it takes to be refunded).

The last criterion of the overall rating has dropped significantly for Czech Airlines. As for complaint processing, only 52 percent of its passengers are satisfied.

On the other hand, customer satisfaction with services is 77%, with 60% of arrivals and departures on time. In total, the company was rated with a score of 6.31 and ended up 59th. Yet in 2016, it was 27th with a score of 7.55.

Qatar Airways has been the best in this year’s ranking, winning the highest score of 8.23, which means customer satisfaction at 82.3 percent. American Airlines and Aeromexico share second and third place with 8.07. The fourth place is held by SAS Scandinavian, Denmark, Norway and Sweden air carrier.

Vaclav Havel Prague Airport was ranked 97th out of 116 in the World’s Top 100 Airports 2019 ranking. Changi Airport in Singapore was the first on the list, passing the second-placed Tokyo Haneda Airport and Korean Incheon near Seoul. The best airport in Europe was Munich.
