According to Milan Chovanec, the Interior Minister in the Czech Republic, the project for 200 million Czech crowns to improve the security of Václav Havel Airport Prague, which will also include a facial recognition camera system, will be completed in 2017.

“We invest roughly 200 million Czech crowns in ensuring safety at the airport. They are invested in projects which are to improve the resistance of the airport against terroristic attacks and against criminal activities,” said Chovanec to journalists, one day after the terroristic attacks in Brussels, which claimed 30 lives.

Additionally, specialists from Israel, who will arrive in the Czech Republic in the next weeks, will participate in the project; the first third of the project is now being implemented, according to the Ministry. According to Chovanec, a result of the project should be a detection system of the 21st century, which also copes with facial recognition.

The measures which were agreed on by representatives of Český Aeroholding, the Police, the Security Information Service, and the Customs Administration as early as the last year also include a shooting gallery, in which the airport security will train for action right in an airport terminal.

Other elements such as a system for checking the authorization of persons to enter the reserved areas of the airport, radioactive material detection, and checking of suspicious objects are to be integrated into safety modifications.
